Zodchestvo House

Zodchestvo House
Location : Moscow, Russia
Architects : ITHAKA, ITHAKA Architecture & Design Ltd., Armenia
WAF Entry : 2011
Award : World Architecture Festival 2011 - Shortlisted

" Zodchestvo" House
An Optical Dystopia - Geometric Abstraction

" Zodchestvo" House is created within the frames of "Local Utopia in the Global Dystopia" competition for young architects of the CIS countries within “Zodchestvo 2010” Festival, Moscow, Russian Federatuion.

The basis of the project concept is a principle of volume distortion and creation of an abstract visual image (silhouette) on the picture plane.

Volume of the house, which exterior and interior is constructed on optical effects, is creating the desired form in the picture plane from a certain specific point. So, from the exterior, at the house entrance, from some specific view points, we get a flat image of the " Zodchestvo " Festival logo, due to the perspective effect.

Many optical illusions are also used in the interior, particularly the railings are made on the basis of receipt of a spherical volume forms on a flat surface. Painting on the large wall with a specific point at the entrance of the total area creates the impression of some endless and deep evolving space in three directions.

Principles of space distortion or transformation, based on optical effects (spatial displacement, soaring, form merging) are found in the works of artists of the 20th century such as Maurits Cornelis Esher, Victor Vasarely and many others, reveal the characteristics of the psychological human perception of complicated three-dimensional objects.

This direction reflects in the architecture and is an inexhaustible source of ideas for incarnation of new images.

Project authors:
Telemak Ananyan, Zohrab Bauer, Gohar Isakhanyan
3D modeling and visualization:
David Andreasyan, Karen Aghadjanyan, Shushan Kostandyan

Lead Architect :

Thanks : worldbuildingsdirectory.com